Optimizing Performance Health & Wellbeing By Breathing Cleaner Air

HomeCleanse Athletics partners with sports facilities, gyms and other commercial indoor spaces to scientifically measure and improve the quality of air for athletes so they can perform at their highest potential. 

Here's Our Recommendation


If you've already had an inspection, and have  laboratory data with reports and recommendations to review at your home, we recommend a Healthy Home Survey.

Your next step in this process is to conduct a Healthy Home Survey. During this survey, an expert from HomeCleanse will visit your home to conduct a thorough analysis of the various factors that can impact your home's health. This includes evaluating the air quality, looking for potential sources of indoor pollution, and identifying any areas of your home that may be particularly susceptible to contamination.

Here's Our RecommendationS


Good for those just starting out

Creating a healthy home starts with evaluating all the different aspects that can impact the overall health of the environment.

HomeCleanse's Home Health Advisors are trained to conduct a thorough virtual analysis of your home and identify potential issues that negatively impact the health and well-being of the people living there. A consultation with a Home Health Advisor from HomeCleanse is the first step in creating a truly healthy home.


Perfect for those ready to take action

If you're fairly confident mold is causing an issue in your home but not sure what to do next, you'll want to look into our Healthy Home Analysis+ bundle.

You'll receive a consultation with our Healthy Home Advisors and The Dust Test.

The Dust Test is a DNA-based PCR test that tests the dust inside of your home to help us understand if you’re being exposed to hidden sources of mold inside the home.  Learning what is in your air and how its affecting you is of utmost importance.

What's In

Your Air?

What's In

Your Air?

The Hidden Threat to Athletic Performance: 
Poor Air Quality

Athletes constantly deal with injuries, inflammation, illness, and cognitive stress, but there’s a hidden threat that often goes unnoticed: poor air quality. This issue can quietly reduce performance and slow down recovery, yet many sports facilities are unaware of the toxins in their indoor environments that impact player readiness and recovery.

While sports have advanced in areas like nutrition, mental health, and wearable technology, air quality is still largely overlooked despite its significant effect on performance. Breathing polluted air daily can lead to chronic inflammation, increased illness, and decreased lung function, wearing down even the most elite athletes over time.

The Research

“Inhalation is the major route of entry. Once inhaled, chemicals are either exhaled or deposited in the respiratory tract...Upon contact with tissue in the upper respiratory tract or lungs, chemicals may cause health effects ranging from simple irritation to severe tissue destruction”.

University of Nebraska Health and Safety

“Individuals who spend time in moldy buildings report numerous adverse health effects, including respiratory problems, chronic fatigue, muscle/joint pain, anxiety, and cognitive problems”

*Cheryl F. Harding, Carolyn L. Pytte, Kimberly G. Page, et. al,

"The people who manage your building have a greater impact on your health than your doctor"

Dr. Joseph Allen
PRofessor, Harvard
Author, Healthy Buildings

HomeCleanse Athletics in Action

Your invisible competitive edge

Breathing Matters More Than You Think

The average person takes 20,000 breaths a day. For athletes, this number can skyrocket, as they inhale up to 20 times more air during training. This means they’re also inhaling up to 20 times more pollutants.

Yet our indoor environments are often the last place we consider as an element of healthy living.

The Overlooked Factor: Indoor Air Quality

Indoor environments like gyms and sports facilities often get overlooked when it comes to health. The air you breathe plays a crucial role in your performance. In training, competition, and recovery, clean air can make all the difference.

By scientifically measuring and improving indoor air quality, athletes can reduce the risk of respiratory issues, enhance recovery times, and perform at their highest potential. Focusing on the quality of the air you breathe ensures that your environment is supporting, not hindering, your ability to excel. When the air is optimized, so is your performance.

The Hidden Impact of Poor Air Quality

Poor indoor air quality can hinder recovery, reduce performance, and even affect lung capacity. It also increases the risk of illnesses, impacting team readiness and rehabilitation.

"Training and competing at consistently higher levels of air pollution, even below the EPA’s threshold for good air quality and among high-caliber athletes, was associated with slower race times.*"

In the NFL. studies have shown an increase in interception rate and a decrease in QBR due to competing in poor air quality.*


HomeCleanse Method

Perform Better with HomeCleanse Athletics 

We partner with sports facilities, gyms, and other indoor spaces to scientifically measure and improve air quality. By focusing on this often-overlooked aspect of health, we help athletes reach their peak performance.

Three Step Process:

HomeCleanse Athletics has a proven, data-driven process that starts with analyzing the dust in homes, facilities, gyms, studios and more. Utilizing PCR technology we can screen for harmful pollutants like mold and bacteria that can negatively impact the quality of air inside of facilities.


HomeCleanse Athletics has a team of professionals that perform deep dive testing inside walls, ceilings and HVAC systems to help develop a plan to scientifically improve the environment.


Finally, HomeCleanse Athletics has a team of professionals that perform detailed remediation, improve HVAC and mechanical ventilation systems, and install top of the line filtration systems to ensure athletes have safe places to perform and recover and reduce the threat of airborne illness.

The Team

Michael Rubino


Logan Ryan


Dr. Matt Provencher


Michael Rubino, world renowned air quality expert teams up with Dr. Matt Provencher and Proven Performance Technology, alongside 2x Super Bowl champion Logan Ryan to create HomeCleanse Athletics, the next chapter in improving human health and performance by helping the world’s best and brightest athletes.

Optimize Athletic PErfomance

Take the first step toward unlocking your team’s full potential. Schedule a consultation with our air quality experts today and discover how improved indoor air quality can elevate your athletes’ performance, health and recovery.