Michael Rubino offered expert commentary in an article by Real Simple on how to properly deal with mold and mildew.
Mildew and mold can pop up in even the cleanest homes—whether it's because of a hidden leak in a bathroom, a spot that doesn't get cleaned on the regular, or an overly humid basement. But many people use the words mold and mildew interchangeably when they're discussing those icky dark spots that creep into tile grout or along the edges of drywall. So are mold and mildew the same thing—and how do you prevent them from making an appearance?
Get the scoop on the mold vs. mildew debate, with expert advice from mold expert and HomeCleanse founder Michael Rubino.
What Is Mold?
Molds are actually fungi (like mushrooms!)—and they thrive on moisture and oxygen. They help break down dead material in nature, which is great when it happens outdoors to fallen tree logs, but not so great when it happens indoors, where it can rot away wood, insulation, or other parts of the house if left unattended. Mold spores can also waft through the air to other parts of the house, and spread if not addressed.
If you have mold in your house, it can cause allergy-like symptoms (think a runny nose and sneezing), rashes, or make asthma worse.
Read the full article here: https://www.realsimple.com/mildew-vs-mold-what-you-need-to-know-8286103